Tuning Your Songwriting Tools
Get your songwriting in tune, by tuning your gear, your ear and yourself… stop making songwriting harder when it can be so easy to make it easier!
Get your songwriting in tune, by tuning your gear, your ear and yourself… stop making songwriting harder when it can be so easy to make it easier!
How to fix stuck songs… your song isn’t a novel or story, it’s haiku. Don’t get stuck by overwriting and trying to say too much in one song. Learn action steps to solve your stuck songs.
It’s not your music! The real reason your songs don’t get the listens, likes or shares you expect when you post them on YouTube, Instagram or FaceBook…
Stop these three bad songwriting habits from holding back your songwriting and making it harder to get your great songs written!
7 Ways to sharpen your songwriting skills without writing songs… you can do #1 & 2 lying on your couch, only # 5 & 6 involve sweating…
New Year Resolutions… everybody makes them, yet almost everybody breaks them. Improve yourself, your music and your songs any month of the year!
A song by a music teacher from the perspective of a young elementary school student trying to understand why the Christmas Concert was cancelled… while teachers “work to rule” in Nova Scotia, December 2016, #NSTUnited #ReadyToTeach #FocusOnEducation
I Just Want to Teach, Nova Scotian Teacher Song… hear the song and read the story behind the song and the labour dispute. #NSTUnited #ReadytoTeach #FocusOnEducation
Songwriting Cycle: solutions for you songwriting problems… fixing your songwriting problems by working through the 5 phases of songwriting to finish songs…
Finish more of your songs with this simple songwriting hack… learn how to complete what you start instead of starting songs that you never finish!
Musical collaboration will get you to success faster than working on your own. Step outside your comfort zone to create great things…this story proves it!
Don’t try to write a “hit song”, write a “cut”… you can avoid “Songwriting Slow Down” by using Next Level Thinking to get out of your songwriting slump…