Songwriting Tips You Know But Aren’t Following
Learn why you’re avoiding songwriting by searching for more songwriting tips you know. Kick your songwriting tips addiction and write more songs!
Learn why you’re avoiding songwriting by searching for more songwriting tips you know. Kick your songwriting tips addiction and write more songs!
So Trumped Up is a song about how social conversation has degenerated during the Trump Presidency, includes my song analysis to help you write better songs!
Why make songwriting more difficult? Learn to recognize and solve these false and destructive songwriting myths!
Finishing songs… it’s easier to start songs than finish songs. How to avoid the endless song write… and what to do after your song is finished!
How to write when you don’t feel like songwriting, stop struggling with your songwriting motivation… inspiration happens after you start: here’s how!
How to finish your songs… why you lose interest and momentum with your songs and how to fix it. Understanding the emotional stages of songwriting, through the “Emotional Stages of Change”
Why songs rhyme, how your audience interacts with the rhymes you choose, rhyme’s effect on your listener’s experience so you take rhyming to the next level.
Stop writing boring and predictable rhymes… Stop fighting with rhyming and make it work for you so your lyrics sound more interesting and songs sound more professional.
Getting started with rhyme schemes… learn what rhyme schemes are in songs, why rhyme schemes are used and how to use rhyme schemes in your own songs.
Songwriting talent isn’t as important as you think! Find out what you really need to stop feeling overwhelmed so you can write songs you’re proud of…
Break the procrastination cycle with 3 steps to start you writing songs and making music today… not tomorrow, today!
Stop rhyming like an amateur! Learn how to level up your rhyming with slant rhymes… what they are, how to find & use them and why you need slant rhymes…