I want you to feel that magic moment when you write a song chorus you’re proud of…
When you transform yourself from “I’ll never be a songwriter” to “I wrote that!”
Because if you can play cover songs, you can learn to write your own songs…
Hi, I’m Trevor Dimoff, a songwriter and songwriting teacher at EpicSongWriting.com…

Like most songwriters…
I learned songwriting by figuring it out on my own. I still remember how it felt when I first wrote a decent song chorus…
It was a hot muggy summer night, I was hunched over my guitar, sweat dripped down my face even though I was sitting still.
Suddenly, the final line of lyrics snapped into place. The melody locked into the chord progression and suddenly: I was a songwriter!
Suddenly I had songwriting super powers!
I transformed my ideas into lyrics and music for my own songs!
I pressed record to save my song chorus, I didn’t want to forget any details. I was so excited I could barely sing in tune and my hands were sweating all over my guitar strings. It took three tries before I got a decent take that was worth saving…
But it took me months of failed half-songs, dozens of half-songs and countless song scraps to get there!

I want you to feel that magic moment…
When you finish a song chorus you’re proud of… when you transform from “I’ll never be a songwriter” to “I wrote that!” without the months of struggle to get there…
You can learn the songwriting process I use myself and I’ve taught to other musicians who want to become songwriters… people just like you.
How to Write a Song Chorus
Shows you a complete process to follow, go from “I don’t know what to write about” to “I wrote lyrics, melody and chords for a song chorus!”
Enter your name and email address below
so I can send it to you…
You could be writing your song chorus 20 minutes from now!
What’s Included:
- Everything is explained in a 9 ½ minute video
- A printable PDF download so you don’t have to take notes
- Follow up emails with tips and motivation in your inbox…
Even though you can learn the chorus writing process quickly, a little encouragement helps everything come together to get you writing!
If you can play songs,
you can learn to write songs…
How to Write a Song Chorus:
Lyrics, Melody & Chords...