Want to Unlock Your Inner Songwriter and Get Unstuck?
Do any of these sound familiar?
You know you have songs in you, waiting to come out… but sometimes you think about writing more than actually writing!
You can hear awesome songs in your head… but by the time it’s written, the song doesn’t really inspire you like it did!
You have notebooks, drawers, scraps of paper with parts of songs… but you have trouble finishing a song that you are happy with!
You have flashes of brilliance and can write a song… but it’s not predictable, you can’t depend on it!
You wait for inspiration to get started… and wait, and wait…..
Don’t worry I’ve felt all of these too!
It’s all perfectly normal when you’re having songwriting troubles.
I’ve also worked through them.
But the first step to level up your songwriting is to start writing regularly…
Easier said than done, yeah?

When it comes to my songwriting,
I used to be my own worst enemy…
I went years between writing songs…
I thought about it, felt guilty about it, but didn’t actually do it!
It took a conscious decision to write regularly and several false starts until I cracked the songwriting code….
I figured out how to write consistently, now I work on my songs everyday.
I get a little weird if I don’t… I got myself addicted to songwriting, now I can’t shake it!